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Erik Johansson. Places Beyond


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The photographer and visual artist Erik Johansson creates surreal worlds through his own unique method. It often takes him months just to make one image, in a process where his photographs are combined so that an original place emerges. The result is often humorous, sometimes even scary, but always mind-blowing. Erik Johansson has become world-famous through his captivating and detailed images. Places Beyond is his second and biggest book so far, presenting his best images in large format. He also reveals the secrets of his method in an inspirational ‘Behind the Scenes’ chapter where he explains the creative process from nine of his photographs. Places Beyond contains more than a hundred stunning pictures.

For me, creating an image is like creating a place. A place that feels familiar, but with a twist that causes the viewer to stop short.


  •  English
  •  105 Illustrations, unspecified


Вес 1000 г
Габариты 23 × 29 см