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Mona Kuhn. Bordeaux Series


Мона Кун. Бордовая серия

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In a remote landscape near Bordeaux, Mona Kuhn owns a little house: simple, bare and even without electricity. Kuhn travels here each year to entertain family and friends as they drop by. Bordeaux Series contains portraits of these people dear to Kuhn made over the last four years, as well as landscape photographs. Kuhn photographs her subjects in the same room with a red fabric backdrop and a chair, so that the nudity of each sitter is the only indication of his or her idiosyncrasies. A sequel to Kuhns Native (2009), Bordeaux Series is a sensual exploration of the contemporary nude.

104 pages
30х31 см


Вес 1600 г
Габариты 30 × 31 см
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