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Ola Kolehmainen. It’s All One History, Almost

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Ola Kolehmainen’s (*1964, Helsinki) works are visual journeys to space, time, and light. A graduate of the Helsinki University of Art and Design, and one of the most successful representatives of the first generation of the Helsinki School, Kolehmainen became famous for his method of reducing façades to minimalist details. In his new series, the Finnish photographer, who has been based in Berlin since 2005, focuses masterfully on the space and light in the places where faith is practiced in. Inspired by his exploration of Islamic architecture and mosques in Instanbul, he continued portraying synagogues, mosques, churches, and cathedrals throughout Europe. Kolehmainen’s work here is more narrative. It draws attention to the commonalities and shared histories of the religious spaces, underlining the universal nature of culture or religion

Edited by: Nadine Barth
2021, 128 Pages, 45 Ills.
300mm x 240mm
ISBN: 978-6-00002700-1


Вес 900 г
Габариты 30 × 24 см