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VU: The Story of a Magazine that Made an Era

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The best pages from the sensational photo magazine published in France in the 1920s and 1930s.
Established in Paris in 1928, VU combined stunning photography with dynamic layouts and first-rate reporting, creating a revolution in journalism and setting the stage for future photo magazines like Life, Stern, and Paris Match.

VU covered a wide and eclectic range of subjects including politics, world affairs, social issues, discoveries, exploration, the arts, sports, and entertainment. It intended to be an illustrated journal of the week’s events — a movie newsreel on paper — and published work by some of the most important photographers of the time: Robert Capa, Andre Kertesz, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Brassai, Man Ray, and more.

This book gathers some of the best work from more than 600 issues of VU: covers, double-page spreads, and complete reports. It provides both a record of the prewar world of the twenties and thirties, and an unparalleled history of photojournalism in the early twentieth century.

Hardback, 320 pages, 26х31 см


Вес 2600 г
Габариты 26 × 31 см