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The Secret Life of Tattoos


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Артикул: 9770592134059605587 Категория:


Tattoos, perhaps one of the oldest forms of communication or body art, have had and still have different meanings. From healing powers to the identification of criminals, through myths and different beliefs or simply as a form of identification and affirmation of group belonging, tattoos are one of the most characteristic means of expression associated with sailors, soldiers, organized crime, gangs or urban tribes, as well as being a form of body adornment and expression of a lifestyle, philosophy or many people’s beliefs.

By way of a clear, insightful text, this publication unveils the meaning of the tattoos that have lived on through the passage of time and that, even today, explain a lot about the person who wears them. After all, a tattoo is much more than a drawing on the skin; it’s a declaration of intent. From drawings that date back to the dawn of civilization to contemporary designs, each tattoo has a hidden story that this book is eager to reveal.

Language: ‎ English
Hardcover: ‎ 240 pages


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